Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wild Life

The word "wild" applies to the words "you" and "me".
While taking a walk thru an African park one day,
I saw a sign say, "The animals have the right of way".
----from Wild Life, by Paul McCartney

4:45 AM - out of bed, brush my teeth, put on running clothes - then out the door.  Why I am meeting my running buddies at this crazy hour is beyond me, but I am not asleep so I should be doing something productive, right?  Driving down Falling Creek Road on my way to begin my run I see a couple or three dogs in the road - odd, I think.  It turns out that they are coyotes.  Wild Life right here in my neighborhood.  As we preapre to run I look up into the dark, starlit sky.  Orion is shining brightly overhead, bow drawn with his arrow pointed directly at Ursa Major - the Big Bear, aka the Big Dipper.  Orion is prepared to shoot some wild life of his own.  After our run I am letting our Jack Russell wannabe out for her morning business.  She sneezes as she approaches the door - I say "Bless You" a dog.  I chuckle.  Wild Life.  Upstairs as I am preparing for work Diane rolls over and says "did you realize that you didn't turn off your alarm clock before you left!"  Dern!  She was wakened at 5:00 AM to that awful sound of the alarm clock.  Wild.  Life.

Then coffee with my java buds - I get caffeinated up and ready for the ride up Hwy 321.  Driving on that road should be a NASCAR event.  On a road that should have a 45 MPH speed limit, but it is actually 55 MPH, which means most everyone drives 64 MPH.  Life in the wild fast lane.

God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. -- Genesis 1:25

So 10/07/10 started off early for me and it has been WILD to this point.  I've witnessed God's creation in all their glory...the stars, the animals, the drivers....the coffee drinkers.  A beautiful start to what I am sure will be an awesome day.  Even in the darkness that exists at 4:45 AM, God's Awesome Glory cannot be suppressed. 

Let's let our (wild) light shine today....for Him!


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