Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Reign O'er Me

Love Reign O'er Me Clip

LOVE.....reign o'er me! ---- The Who

Good Wednesday Morning JJFG:

Last night our run was highlighted by some awesome lightning - thank God it was away in the distance a bit and wasn't ever a threat to us.  It was a beautiful and awesome display of God's power in this universe.  Streaks ran horizontally across the sky and then forked off this way and that.  A few drops of rain fell here and there during our run - mostly there.  It has been rather dry here lately - save for a few occasional showers.  The local news said yesterday morning that we are officially in a drought.  My car is dusty, my lawn is dry, so far the changing leaves just don't have that wow factor.  The drought is showing it's ugly head all around - including my spiritual life. 

For some reason lately I have found myself in a spiritual drought.  I don't know why - is it because I am not praying as often or as fervently as I could be?  Is it because I am not cracking open a Bible, except to prepare for a Sunday School lesson?  I am reading a daily devotion which includes Scripture.  I am praying rather long prayers, usually on my drive in to work each morning.  I have, for the most part, been in church every Sunday.  So why am I in this spiritual drought?  Well after reading what I just wrote, the answer is painfully clear.  You see, sometimes I need to organize my thoughts in written form before I can truly see the truth.

"Nobody puts Baby in a corner" - Johnny Castle (played by Patrick Swayze) from Dirty Dancing

Dirty Dancing Clip

I have placed Almighty God in a corner.  I go to that corner when I need something, whenever I am driving and have nothing better to do.  I read His words to me when I need to prepare for a lesson.  I have taken my relationship with my Creator and have neatly shoved Him over into a corner of my life.  I go to visit him in that corner often but it's for a quick visit - hey, how 'ya doing, what's new, see 'ya later.  He wants me to sit with Him.  To slow down and talk.  He wants me to prove to Him that my love is real.  He doesn't want a quick prayer while driving at 55 MPH.  He wants me down on my knees bowing before Him.  He doesn't want a Twitter existence - where I am only reading 140 characters of His Word to me at a time.  He wants me to go deeper.

The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice. -- Psalm 97:1

Challenge:  God deserves more than a corner of our lives.  He deserves our First Fruits.  We need to bring our A-Game out for Him.  He deserves our BEST.  Let's commit to placing our God center stage in our life.

Only love,
Can bring the rain,
That makes you yearn to the sky.
Only love,
Can bring the rain,
That falls like tears from on high.
-----from Love Reign O'er Me, by The Who

Guys, I am reminded of one of my favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption where Andy has been planning and preparing for his escape from prison for years.  Then he consumates that plan one stormy night and gains his freedom through a sewer pipe.  Once he washes out into freedom, he takes off his shirt, lifts his hands into the air - the lightning flashes, the rain pours down over him.  Freedom.  Today I am lifting up my hands to my Creator and I am feeling his amazing Love as it reigns o'er me.  I have been cleansed, I have been forgiven, I have been set Free.  And with you as my witnesses, I am placing Almighty God back where He belongs - front and center.  The drought is over.  Join me, will you?

The Shawshank Redemption Clip

And in the morning I will be making my escape on over to Java Journey.  I will be sitting in a corner all by myself - that is until you join me there.  Come share your experience and together we can allow LOVE to reign o'er us!  C U there.


"We also assume responsibility for bringing to the house of the LORD each year the firstfruits of our crops and of every fruit tree." -- Nehemiah 10:35

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