Friday, October 8, 2010


This is Fantastic Friday - I have deemed it so myself earlier this morning.  Part of my Friday routine involves going by McDonald's on my way in to work and getting me one of their awesome Yogurt and Fruit Parfaits and a Large Coffee - Black.  I thought I left the house this morning at a good time to arrive at the Mickey D's in Lenoir to avoid the Fantastic Friday rush, but I was sadly mistaken.  The cars were out into the street - so I avoided the drive thru and went inside.  The line in there was just as long and patience is not a virtue that comes easily for me.  But within a few short minutes I walked out the door, parfait and coffee in hand.  My treat for Fantastic Friday.  And now I am sitting in my office in downtown Lenoir, someone has the heat on HIGH, my window is open and I am hearing the church bells play hymns from FBC Lenoir across the street.  Life is Good.

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