Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Agony of DeFeet

For a while now I have been feeling a pain in my left foot - it was in a very specific area at the ball of my foot at the base of my 2nd toe.  I self diagnosed a stress fracture - I've had one before and I know what that pain is like.  I took time off from running - 3 weeks.  The pain of not running exceeded the pain caused by running.  I finally gave it up and went to visit Dr. Bill Johncock - a Podiatrist in Hickory.  Dr. Johncock is a Christian, a father, a Podiatrist and a runner - a good one at that.  His marathons number somewhere in the 80's.  But the real story lies in his dad - Jerry Johncock.

Bill's dad is 82 years old.  Bill describes him as a lean 135 pounds.  He says he has the biomechanics for a runner - something I only wish I had.  Jerry Johncock can apparently run long distances and he just never has any pains or issues.  I have them often.  Jerry Johncock discovered the joy of running in his early 50's and he continues to run at age 82.  This past Sunday Jerry Johncock completed his 110th marathon - yes, you read that right.  At the tender age of 82 this man ran a marathon in 4 hours 31 minutes.  That's about the same time that I can run a marathon in.  For a man my age that is no big feat, for a man of 82 years to run a marathon at all, much less in 4 1/2 hours - that's amazing.  But he does have that biomechanic thing going for him. 

Bill has some stories about his dad's running history - I will let you talk to him about those.  I saw Bill as a patient 6 days ago - I have run twice since and am pretty much pain free today.  Dr. Johncock knows feet, he knows running and I recommend him if you have problems with your feet.  But I didn't type these words to be an advertisement for his services.  Tonight I am praising God that He allowed me to feel the agony of defeet.  Why?  Because it gave me an opportunity to reconnect with Bill Johncock. 

  I'm running a little slower than normal until healing happens completely.  So if  you see me running down the streets of Hickory give me a toot - we can connect that way!


1 comment:

  1. never needed him as a Dr...hope I never do...but as a friend...he is a strong one!
