Monday, October 18, 2010


We're gonna win this one, take the country by storm,
We're gonna be elected,
You and me together, young and strong,
We're gonna be elected, elected, elected,
Respected, selected, call collected,
I wanna be elected, elected.
-----from Elected, by Alice Cooper

This morning I had a beautiful drive in - the air was cool, the sky was mostly clear, the sunrise was gorgeous, but the signs that littered the streets were hideous.  I can't wait for this election to be over.  With mutliple signs on every street corner, billboards, TV ads, mailouts - I just want it to end.  And many of the TV ads don't tell you who TO vote for...many of them just tell you who NOT to vote for.  Mud slinging, BBQ eating, baby kissing----it makes me want to throw up.  Early voting has started today - maybe I will go vote for the people who have NOT littered my landscapes and airwaves.

The Good News - I have already been elected.  Almighty God has elected me as a "citizen in waiting" of His amazing Kingdom.  No signs will be there, no airwave pollution.  I do hope to eat some pig though - man I hope I don't have to give that up for eternity! God has elected me - he gave me this beautiful gift all wrapped up with a big bow on it.  All I had to do was accept the gift, which I have.  I have been called, I have been respected, I have been selected....I have been elected.  Thank you God.

Join me this year in voting early.....and often!  Let's vote Almighty God as our King.  Let's vote for Jesus Christ as our Savior.  Let's vote for The Holy Spirit as our Counselor.  They are on my ballot and I am about to pull the lever strong and hard.  Don't want any hanging chads.  I want my vote to be loud and clear and I want it to be counted.  I want them all, Father, Son, Spirit - to be Elected.

My name is Terry Johnson.....and I approved this message.

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