Monday, October 11, 2010


Terry is 53 years of age. 
He looks like he is......well, you decide. 
He acts like he is 25 on a good day. 
What's wrong with him?

On Saturday a good friend of his called him a "freak".  The friend said it with a smile on his face, but he DID call Terry a freak.  Hmmmmm.  [Reminds me of a scene from "The Lion King" when young Simba tells his uncle Scar that he is "weird"  Scar answers with " have no idea!"]

The Lion King Clip

So Terry is a 53 year old freak who acted on Saturday like he was maybe 15.

Last night I had these dreams - my dreams usually last about 5 seconds, but last nights were much longer.  I was in a house and some guy was trying to get me - he had a gun in a sock.  I was able to get it from him and I ran outside and buried it in some sand.  While coming back in the house, the place where the gun was buried "exploded" - I looked back and saw several aliens coming after me with flame throwers.  I eventually woke up and was tired from fighting with the aliens.  Freak-ish.

Terry, the 53 year old freak who dreams of aliens and watches "The Lion King" found himself asleep on a bus Saturday night about 11:15 pm on I-40.  He woke with a start, not sure where he was and looked out the window and saw a sign - it said EXIT 128.  Freaky.

Terry, the 53 year old freak, who dreams of aliens, watches "The Lion King" and sleeps on done with this post. 

Purpose:  identity, life, friends.

aka:  Super Freak

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