Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I've read the book of Job and how he praised God through the many trials that he faced.  It's amazing that he had the ability to sing praises to God in the midst of such severe trials.  I can read that, be moved by it and then find myself bogged down by my own small trials.  In the midst of my being bogged down, I lose sight of what the Almighty is trying to teach me through the pain that He is allowing me to feel.  But He is trying to teach me and I bet He is trying to teach you as well. 

Let's decide today to feel the pain that we have, not to mask over it.  Let's cry tears of sadness when they are appropriate.  And let's cry out to our Creator for deliverance.  But while doing those things that acknowledge our pain......let's PRAISE our Lord.  We can bring glory to God in this way.

"The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.  Praise the name of the Lord"  (Job 1:21)

Praising God at this moment.....


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